in protest or block the airports with demonstrations etc. there are some important issues you need to think about.In ethical decision-making we are prioritizing our values within our value systems. Some concerns are more important to us
An American Addiction Drugs Guerillas and Counterinsurgency in US Intervention in Colombia
Binding: Audio CD
Rating: 4.5
Review: 5
Studio: AK Press
Columbia is now the 3rd largest recipient of US foreign & military aid, the justification for which is the War on Drugs. In a clear, concise and sometimes bitterly funny lecture, Noam Chomsky shows us who is getting the money, who is producing and exporting the drugs, and what the war on the ground in Columbia is really about. In the ongoing debate over whether Columbia will become the "next Vietnam," Chomsky's analysis will provide a great introduction to the Columbian elite, the role of the US media, how "development" works in Columbia & other crucial issues. Imagine Traffic starring Chomsky instead of Michael Douglas.
Brand: Ethical Pet
Manufacturer: AK Press
Price: $13.98 USD
Encouraging Ethical Behavior
suggests that government, trade associations, and individual firms can indeed establish acceptable levels of ethical behavior.The government can do so by legislating more stringent regulations. But, rules require enforcement and when
Ethics and Counselling Applications
, and ultimately to provide guidelines for the profession. However, as cited previously, in most countries ethical conduct in counselling is not yet part of the legal framework - which outlines the importance of professional and industry
Binding: Misc.
Rating: 4.5
Review: 3
Studio: Ethical Pets
You won't believe your pets reaction to this super powerful laser beam- it provides hours of entertainment plus great exercise for your pet. And this laser pet toy is also a LED flashlight! Emits a super-bright Hi-Beam Light which provides safety for evening walks and cleanup. Keyring attached. (2.5"L)
Brand: Ethical Pet
Manufacturer: Ethical Pets
Price: $5.99 USD
5 Hologram Laser Pet Toy
Binding: Misc.
Rating: 4.0
Review: 23
Studio: Ethical Pets
2.5" laser toy features 5 different images for your pet to chase including smiley face, star, mouse, dot, and butterfly. Great exercise for your pet. 3 batteries included. Keyring attached.
Brand: Ethical Pet
Manufacturer: Ethical Pets
Price: $5.99 USD
Finding An Ethical SEO Consultant
who speak highly of him. And he must not be hesitant to give out a few references.3. If the SEO consultant is professional and ethical then it automatically follows he will have a successful track record. So, go ahead and check the
The Expert Medical Deposition How to Be an Effective and Ethical Witness
Binding: VHS Tape
Rating: 5.0
Review: 2
Studio: SEAK, Inc.
An indispensable resource for all medical experts, by the authors of How to Excel During Depositions and How To Excel During Cross-Examination. The Expert Deposition clearly and simply explains what to do and what not to do during all phases of the deposition process including: scheduling, preparation, dealing with documents and subpoenas, answering counsel's questions, avoiding abuse, and collecting your fee. The video demonstrates by example and includes over 40 examples of question and answer exchanges between lawyers and medical witnesses, each of which illustrates one or more points made during the tape. These points include how to eliminate scheduling difficulties; how to deal with pointed questions about your qualifications, fees, and opinions; how to ethically answer trick questions; how to properly handle, prepare and refer to documents and records; what not to do at deposition; and much more. Also available on DVD
Brand: Ethical Pet
Manufacturer: SEAK, Inc.
Price: $95.00 USD
Right Use of Power: the Heart of Ethics
best interests of your clients is the often unnamed and yet constant foundation that guides your interventions. Everyday ethical decisions involve both personal integrity and professional responsibility. For example, supporting your client
Meet Your Meat
Binding: DVD
Rating: 5.0
Review: 14
Studio: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Meet Your Meat is a look behind the closed doors of today s giant meat, egg and dairy product industries, revealing the shocking truth about the abuse of animals for food. Bonus features include videos of today s biggest celebrities speaking out for chickens, turkeys, pigs and cows.
Brand: Ethical Pet
Manufacturer: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Price: $5.00 USD