Binding: Paperback
Rating: 3.5
Review: 7
Studio: Sundial
Wendy : Garbage! I have not even made it to chapter 1 yet and there are SO many spelling mistakes. Not sure who proof read this but they sure didn't have even a basic grasp of the english language. That bieng said, there is no reason to read anymore of this garbage - if the author was so lazy not to even use the spell check I don't have alot of confidence in the rest of this book. Don't waste your money.
Brand: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
Manufacturer: Sundial
Price: $13.95 USD
Ethics of Abortion
of rape. In this discussion also I could not find everybody agreeing to get aborted. Some religions forbid it. Karma theory says that you get raped because of your past karma and you must bear the pain of bringing up the child to wash off
How to Say No DVD 1951 a Vintage Movie on Peer Pressure and Ethics
Binding: DVD
Studio: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
How to Say No is not as didactic as others of its ilk, but instead presents a discussion-type format in which teen actors talk out situations where it is difficult to say no. Each teen relates a story about a time where they were asked to do something they didnt want to do. The topics include drinking after football practice, smoking at a sleepover, and petting. Some of the suggestions are laughable, but the film must be credited for trying to come to terms with the fact that kids need real solutions to this problem, not just a voice of authority telling them what not to do. How to Say No is a film which possesses a timeless merit, since saying no and being true to oneself is still very much an issue today.
Brand: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
Manufacturer: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
Price: $7.99 USD
Ethics Theory and Practice 9th Edition
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 4.5
Review: 9
Studio: Prentice Hall
Well renowned and highly acclaimed, Ethics: Theory and Practice introduces readers with little or no background in philosophy or ethics to traditional and contemporary ethical theory using a clear, jargon-free style and a flexible organization. Discussing theories that readers can relate to their own life experiences, this Ninth Edition applies its material to various fields in the real world such as business, medicine, the environment, and the media. A host of examples and case studies illustrates for readers how to set up their own systematic, rational ethics and how to apply ethical theories to traditional and contemporary moral issues. For professionals with a career or interest in philosophy, ethics, psychology, and education.
Brand: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
Manufacturer: Prentice Hall
Price: $86.67 USD
Accounting Ethics Courses: Optional or Necessary
or ethical dilemmas. A recommendation would be to add not just one course on ethics into a curriculum, but possibly three or four. A course in ethical theory could tie into another ethics course involved in spotting frauds and ethical
Ethical Conduct: the Importance of High Moral Standards
of their environment. Race, ethnicity, and cultural background have played a role in ethical theory.     Ethical leaders take into consideration the purpose of individuals involved. There should be a common goal for the organization
Ethical Theory and Business 8th Edition
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 3.0
Review: 8
Studio: Prentice Hall
This book presents a comprehensive anthology of readings, legal perspectives, and cases in ethics in business. Focuses on providing and explaining the tools needed to deal with ethical dilemmas in business. The authors examine ethical theory and business practice, the purpose of the corporation, corporate character and individual responsibility, acceptable risk, the ethical treatment of employees, diversity and discrimination in the workplace, marketing and disclosure of information, ethical issues in information technology and, ethical issues in international business. For those interested in examining the ethical challenges we face today.
Brand: Quality Information Publishers, Inc.
Manufacturer: Prentice Hall
Price: $92.00 USD
Moral Development Theory: Understanding Childhood Behaviors
what "might make right decisions" to the recognition of universal ethical principles. A lot of other theorists set out levels of criticisms against it. Kohlberg theory seems to be generally valid, and although males and females may
Business Ethics and Unethical Practices
. References:Harrison, J. (2001), Ethics for Australian Business, Prentice-Hall, French ForestHofstede, G. (1983), The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 14