sound obvious, but it is common for employees to copy parts of a database for later use or use some other un-ethical means of obtaining database details. Donât, it is not worth it. Always take the high road and you can stand behind every
Ethical Fundraising A Guide for Nonprofit Boards and Fundraisers AFP Fund Development Series The AFPWiley Fund Development Series
Binding: Hardcover
Rating: 5.0
Review: 1
Studio: Wiley
Ethical Fundraising: A Guide for Nonprofit Boards and Fundraisers is a practical, helpful, and ultimately inspiring resource for nonprofits large and small, young and mature, local and international. The insightful guidance and case studies found within these pages will help you understand how to address specific ethical issues within your nonprofit and leave plenty of food for thought and discussion.
Manufacturer: Wiley
Price: $45.00 USD
Reasons To Fire Your Mutual Fund Company: 12b-1 Fees
the same expenses being spread over a larger pool of assets. However, there are several problems with this thinking:1) A larger fund does not necessarily become easier to manage. Over the last 25 years, multi-billion dollar mutual funds
Method to Ethically Eliminate All Political Corruption
innately representative, well informed, ethical, and stable. Businesses will continue to sponsor individual Senators and Congressmen, however, all money contributed to ONE candidates shall go into a common fund to promote all potential ONE
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 1
Studio: Liberty Fund Inc.
In this concise and elegant work, first published in 1952, Bertrand de Jouvenel purposely ignores the economic evidence that redistributional efforts sap incentives and are economically destructive. Rather, he stresses the commonly disregarded ethical arguments showing that redistribution is ethically indefensible for, and practically unworkable in a complex society.
Manufacturer: Liberty Fund Inc.
Price: $10.00 USD
Why are Ethical Jeans Sweat Shop Friendly?
in ventures outside our day-to-day activities.Through the fantastic people who run the 'Free Tibet' campaign we funded the building of a small school in the mountains of Tibet. We also organised a music festival in the Peak District
Ethical Decision Making in Fund Raising
Binding: Hardcover
Studio: Wiley
"Fund raisers, given their flaws and fineness, working in flawed and fine institutions with flawed and fine clients, need to carry out their everyday tasks of decency and joy here and now. . . . This book is about thinking with care and grace about everyday grit." In her brilliant and provocative new book, Ethical Decision Making in Fund Raising, author and philosophy professor Marilyn Fischer provides conceptual tools with which a nonprofit can thoroughly examine the ethics of how and from whom it seeks donations. Using the book's Ethical Decision-Making Model, the author explains how fund raisers can use their basic value commitments to organizational mission, professional relationships, and personal integrity as day-to-day touchstones for making balanced, ethical, fund-raising decisions. For ethically troubling situations that have no clear-cut solutions, the book shows how to frame these dilemmas as ongoing dramatic narratives. Using conceptual tools of sympathetic understanding, attention to social and temporal context, and clusters of philanthropic virtues, the Ethical Decision-Making Model guides us in thinking our way to ethically sound resolutions. Through this process, we can sustain and enrich the circle of giving of the philanthropic gift economy. The book also examines day-to-day issues of fund raising: privacy and confidentiality; conflicts of interest such as finder's fees and commission-based pay; corporate philanthropy, including sponsorships and cause-related marketing; and fostering cultural diversity. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and additional case studies for readers' reflection and analysis. Ethical Decision Making in Fund Raising is a fascinating look at the history of philanthropy in its many social forms and historical contexts, as well as an exuberant manifesto for nonprofits on making clear ethical thinking an effective corporate tool.
Manufacturer: Wiley
Price: $43.95 USD
Ahimsa Fund - Social, Caring Mutual Fund
, social and ethical issues like animal cruelty, human rights before investing in a particular company. Ethical funds follow a process of elimination while taking investment decisions and will not invest in companies engaged in running