Binding: Hardcover
Rating: 4.0
Review: 7
Studio: Macmillan Pub Co
A guide to business ethics and corporate fairness introduces a new model for measuring organization justice, assessing a range of contemporary organizational issues and concerns and explaining how to respond to corporate injustice.
Manufacturer: Macmillan Pub Co
Price: $24.95 USD
A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America A Hard Look at Spirituality Religion and Values in the Workplace JB Warren Bennis Series
Binding: Hardcover
Rating: 4.0
Review: 7
Studio: Jossey-Bass
This first-ever survey of spiritual beliefs and practices among managers and executives finds that, while most people have strong spiritual beliefs, few feel that they can act on those beliefs at work. And yet, overall company performance is actually higher in companies where company values and spiritual values coalesce. Filling a gap in today's literature on spirituality and business, this book examines five proven models for introducing spirituality to the workplace and spells out the strengths and weaknesses of each model. More than a personal guide to spiritual well-being, it shows how you can harness the immense spiritual energy at everyone's core, and outlines solutions for bringing that energy into the organization.
Manufacturer: Jossey-Bass
Price: $35.00 USD
Ethics in the Workplace
with the perception of lower-level employees however. This suggests that executives may underestimate the importance of specific ethics issues and concerns facing employees. This disconnect may also position executives to fail to address
What is More Ethical Blogs or News Media?
the story? Worse still, how about reporters who know that their information and their sources are tainted? Do these issues rise to the level of an ethical breach?While I am very new to blogging (and admit some consternation about putting
How to Tackle Human Rights Issues at Work?
world seem to agree that the protection of human rights, beyond its moral and ethical compulsion, also make good business sense. Ensuring decent and safe workplace conditions, promoting non-discrimination and equitable justice and fair play
Hair Drug Testing in Other Countries
test results by using other methods other than hair drug testing is important especially in Europe where there are ethical issues that is being pushed in the forefront.The advantage of hair drug testing is longer detection rates as
Implementing Business Ethics
with enacting an ethics programs. Such studies and recent corporate snafus (e.g., Enron) are impetus for companies coming to grips with ethics in the workplace.There are essentially two considerations for devising an ethics program in
Integrity Management A Guide to Managing Legal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace
Binding: Hardcover
Rating: 4.0
Review: 7
Studio: University of Tampa Press
A guide to business ethics and corporate fairness introduces a new model for measuring organization justice, assessing a range of contemporary organizational issues and concerns and explaining how to respond to corporate injustice.
Manufacturer: University of Tampa Press
Price: $28.00 USD