Binding: Paperback
Rating: 2.5
Review: 2
Studio: ASM Press
"Scientific Integrity: Text and Cases in Responsible Conduct of Research, Third Edition", presents an important revision of a best-selling text in the expanding field of responsible conduct of research training. This book presents the core topics for graduate and postdoctoral trainees and professional researchers on the principles of scientific integrity. It contains highly relevant interactive case studies, 30% of which are new to third edition, written by practicing scientists on the front lines of ethical issues. This book covers essential topics related to the conduct of scientific investigation, such as guidelines, policies, standards, and codes. It offers a companion Web site, maintained by the author, containing a rich collection of Internet resources. It also includes discussion questions to promote critical thought. It provides updates to most appendix material.
Manufacturer: ASM Press
Price: $49.95 USD
Ethics in Counseling and Psychotherapy Standards Research and Emerging Issues
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 2
Studio: Brooks Cole
Prepare for practice with ETHICS IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY! With a ten-step model of ethical decision making, this counseling text prepares you to deal effectively with the complex ethical and legal issues you will confront in practice. Numerous case studies, followed by the authorÂ's analysis of the cases, helps you structure your thinking and apply professional standards to complex cases. Coverage includes ethics, legal research, and the professional literature in major topics in ethics (such as consent, confidentiality, and multiple relationships) and in applied settings (such as community mental health, private practice, schools, and teaching/research).
Manufacturer: Brooks Cole
Price: $92.95 USD
Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science Essential Readings in Neuroethics Dana Foundation Series on Neuroethics
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 1
Studio: Dana Press
Where is the line between instinct and free will in humans? How far can technology and medicine go to manipulate the brain? With every new discovery about the human mind, more and more questions emerge about the boundaries of consciousness, responsibility, and how far neuroscience research can go. The fledgling field of neuroethics has sought answers to these questions since the first formal neuroethics conference was held in 2002. This groundbreaking volume collects the expert and authoritative writings published since then that have laid the groundwork for this rapidly expanding debate. Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science traverses the breadth of neuroethics, exploring six broad areasincluding free will, moral responsibility, and legal responsibility; psychopharmacology; and brain injury and brain deathin thirty provocative articles. The scientific and ethical consequences of neuroscience research and technology are plumbed by leading thinkers and scientists, from Antonio Damasios The Neural Basics of Social Behavior: Ethical Implications to Monitoring and Manipulating Brain Function by Martha J. Farah and Paul Root Wolpe. These and other in-depth chapters articulate the thought-provoking questions that emerge with every new scientific discovery and propose solutions that mediate between the freedom of scientific endeavor and the boundaries of ethical responsibility. As science races toward a future that is marked by startling new possibilities for our bodies and minds, Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science is the definitive assessment of the ethical criteria guiding neuroscientists today. (20080401)
Manufacturer: Dana Press
Price: $15.95 USD
Should Stem Cell Research Be Allowed
as well as surplus embryos obtained from fertility clinics. Realizing its need to explore the ethical issues involved with stem cell research the commission convened again. This time the meeting was held at Georgetown University. The topic
How as a Corporate Manager You Can Ensure That Your Company is Conducting Business a Way That is Responsible and Ethically Sound?
business responsibly and ethically sound the following point given below are very much necessary to ensure: Ethical issues and society - examples   * Involvement in the community   * Honesty, truthfulness and fairness in marketing   *
Ethics And The Internet
applicable theories are helpful for sharing information about the application of ethics. This information can then be disseminated by educational institutions. The volume of research in the area is constantly increasing, supplying up-to-
What is Ethical Shopping?
Guide, updated annually, grading hundreds of companies according to their policies on 15 ethical issues. Working to promote ethical shopping, The Ethical Company Organisation enables consumers to easily compare the Corporate Social
Improve the Ethics of Law Enforcement Through Ethics in Policing
read policing news which pertains with ethical issues. This news is derived from all over the world and updated each day. What is more, the news is filed for possible references in the future. If you have research projects, you can support