Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 2
Studio: Hampton Press
This volume focuses on how writing technologies, specifically digital technologies, affect research - shaping the questions asked, the sites studied, the methodologies used, ethical issues, conclusions, and the actions taken by scholars, researchers, and teachers. The focus of each chapter is on articulating particular methodologies and ethical approaches for conducting digital research. It will offer experienced and new researchers an introduction to possible approaches and related methodological and ethical issues.
Manufacturer: Hampton Press
Price: $37.50 USD
New Ethicâs Complaint Filed Against Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
, according to Mr. Cyr. Attorney Sorenson said that the filing will be with Alaska State Dept. Of Law ethicâs attorney Judy Bockmon. In her two executive jobs in Alaska, Palin ousted top law-enforcement officials because they were
Digital Image Manipulation - Is The Manipulation Of Images Ethical?
manipulate digital images. We should limit ourselves to enhancing their quality. Ethical standards concerning computers and digital photography are not new issues, having been around for a long while. What is new is the "way of processing
Mindfulness in the Marketplace Compassionate Responses to Consumerism
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 2
Studio: Parallax Press
This collection of essays edited by Allan Hunt Badiner shows us how to look deeply into the items we consume every dayÂnot only food, but clothes, media, ideas, and images. Right Consumption suggests a reorientation for consumers from passive purchasers, who willingly and uncritically accept advertising messages for toxic products, to active, mindful, and responsible citizens who see the dynamic connection between their purchases and their values. This results in effects compatible with healthy and enduring human, animal, and plant life. Contributors include Thich Nhat Hanh, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Judith Simmer-Brown, Fritjof Capra, Joan Halifax Roshi, Joanna Macy, Riane Eisler, and Paul Hawken.
Manufacturer: Parallax Press
Price: $18.00 USD
Executive Summary of Employee Monitoring Software and It Importants
), and the impact of the law on employee monitoring. Why is employee monitoring an emerging ethical issue? It is an ethical issue due to the emergence and introduction of new technology available to both employees and employers that can be
Ethics in the Workplace
with the perception of lower-level employees however. This suggests that executives may underestimate the importance of specific ethics issues and concerns facing employees. This disconnect may also position executives to fail to address
The Legal Issues of Using a Spy Camera at Home
is it legal to spy on people you hire to work in your house? The good news is that as long as the you do not invade on employee privacy, it should not be an issue. In most states, as long as you don't set up cameras in places where people